Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Face Your Fears & Claim Your Courage

We need to talk about stress, anxiety, and fear. These difficult, yet motivating emotions are dominating our air waves. The energy is all around us. We want to respond effectively—we certainly don’t need to add to the intensity—so we all need to build our emotional regulation skills.

Let’s talk about big fears, as well as the deceptive little fears that sneak into our lives and show up in our behavior, interactions and ability to make choices. Stress levels are off the charts. As people on planet Earth, we face many real fears. If we are going to get through the level of upheaval that we are experiencing, we all need to bring out our best skills.

The energy of the United States only feels united in the chaos and discord that is setting the tone. When our environment takes on a certain energy pattern, the frequency pulls us in.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Here She Comes: 2025, The Year of the Snake

In Chinese astrology, 2025 is the Year of the Snake. It brings Universal affirmation of a shift that’s been building momentum for some time—the re-emergence of the divine feminine.

The snake, or serpent, was associated with the divine feminine long before Eve, the disaster in the Garden of Eden, and the fall that went with it. The serpent's association with the divine feminine has been both celebrated and vilified throughout history.

 In ancient cultures, from Aboriginal Australian to indigenous peoples of the Americas, you’ll find connections between the snake and the Divine Feminine. It reverberates repeatedly across the globe, rooted in myths and stories, religious texts, and archetypal imagery.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Do You Really Love You? 20 Questions to Consider

In the musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” there is a memorable scene in which the main character, Tevye, asks his wife, Golde, “Do you love me?” She brushes off his question, and he asks again.

“What a question,” she answers, and she proceeds to list off the many things she does for him. Golde seemed to think it was a silly question–in her mind her actions were clearly enough for Tevye to know the answer.

Actions do tell us a lot. Our behavior is an outward expression of our inner thoughts and feelings.

So let’s take Tevye’s question a step further and ask, “Do you love you?”

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Feeling Stuck? Four Common Ways Emotions Get Blocked

Emotions are energy is motion. When we experience them, they either move through our body or they get stuck, creating pockets of emotional debris that impede the flow of energy through our system.

Our life experiences, the thoughts we have about them, our emotional response, and our belief system, all come together in our body. The body is our vehicle and it carries the impact of our life to date, for good or for bad.

Negative emotions and negative thoughts have a different energetic frequency than healthy cells and tissue. Because of that, stuck negative emotion can distort the organs, tissues and cells that surround wherever they’re stored in the body. They change our body chemistry and affect our physical structure.

When emotions get stuck, they fester until, ultimately, they interfere with our functioning.

Whatever gets buried gets ugly.

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Work with Kailean Kailean Welsh Work with Kailean Kailean Welsh

Heal your Body by Healing your Heart

It’s time for a Body Love Revolution.

From the time I was 11 years old, chestier than my peers, and the tallest girl in my 5th grade class, my body and I have been at odds. I felt a lot of pressure to look a certain way, to be attractive, to be something more.

Adding to my critical self-judgment and confusion was shame around sexuality, ideas around women being the "weaker" sex whose main task was to have babies. and a bucket-load of warped conditioning around people-pleasing and being "nice."

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Tap Into Self-Love to Make Everyday a Celebration

I am celebrating me today.

For the past several years, as my birthday rolls around, I tell people that I am going to celebrate for the same number of days as my age. They look at me questioning, like I sound a bit self-centered, or aghast, as if I’m going to have some wild, irresponsible party that goes on for weeks.

But that is not what I mean when I say that I am going to celebrate me.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Allowing the pieces to settle into place

It is bitterly cold here in Wisconsin, as the polar vortex has dropped into the Midwest and everything is frozen over. Mail delivery was cancelled. Schools are closed. Even the bars have shut down—that's when you know it's really cold in Wisconsin.

I am grateful to be cozy and warm in my home, and yesterday offered a perfect opportunity to finish up my Visioning process for 2019.

This practice began several years ago, when I and a few of my sisters and nieces gathered to create an image of what we wanted to bring forth in the year ahead.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

To See the Good, You Have to Look

Each time I sit down with a client, which I’ve been doing frequently for about 15 years now, I ask them to tell me something good that’s happened since I saw them last.

Pretty consistently, the response is the same.

They pause, looking at me with a slightly bewildered expression. They think for a few moments, then say, “I don’t know.” “Nothing really.”

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

You Are a Child of the Universe

It helps me when I remember that I am made of stardust. I am a part of a greater universe––more magnificent and profound than I can understand or even imagine.

I am no less than the trees and the stars.

So why then, am I so quick to see my faults and my flaws?

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

The Love in Mama’s Towels

For the longest time they lay in the cedar chest in the corner of my bedroom. That was where many of my favorite things were stored–those things collected through the years that hold memories of special people and events.

The hand-embroidered dish towels were a Christmas gift from my mom a few years back.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Own Your Own Beauty: 3 Suggestions to Loving the Body You’ve Got

It is not easy to love the body you’ve got. Ask any person about their body, they will point out something that isn’t quite right. Most people struggle with their body image and want to change at least one aspect of their physical self. Many can present a pretty long list of problem areas, and would like a complete overhaul.

Negative body image is a serious problem, affecting individuals in all areas of life.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Feel Great! 12 Powerful Ways to Strengthen Your Life Force Energy

Mystical traditions across all parts of the globe have told us for thousands of years that every living thing is imbued with life force energy. Scientific knowledge now supports this as truth.

The human being is not just a physical structure made of molecules. We are also composed of, permeated with, and surrounded by subtle energy fields.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Take a Break! 9 Life-Enhancing Benefits of Leisure

Many of us feel guilty when we take a break. The message of the “work ethic” is deeply ingrained in our sense of right and wrong. We find our value in getting things done. When someone asks what we’ve been up to, that’s what we talk about. God forbid, we wouldn’t want to admit that we weren’t doing anything. The down side of this ‘all work and no play attitude,’ is that we miss out on the life-enhancing benefits of leisure.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Use Your Pain: Find the Gifts of Suffering

Pain is a big reality. We don’t have to look far to see it is everywhere–deep, ineffable, unfathomable, pain. All life has suffering. When we deny it, avoid it, or stuff it, we may gain temporary ease, but the pain will only deepen and in many different ways, it will haunt us.

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

6 Strategies to Make the Most of a Blah Day

It’s hard to feel good when you don’t. Some days, blah hits. Whether the cause is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, we hit a low point. Enthusiasm? Not so much. Energy? Lacking. Sociability? Heck no.

So what do we do with these days?

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Kailean Welsh Kailean Welsh

Tune in: Find Your Frequency on the Consciousness Dial

Radio station W-YOU is on the air and broadcasting live. YOU are continually transmitting your personal symphony out into the Universe in a frequency unique to you.

The human body pulses with subtle energies and detectable electromagnetic phenomena. Each of us is a powerful server, sending out or “transmitting” content.

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I’m Kailean.

Your Wisdom Guide

I make my home in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin. I like to write. I love deep conversations and a good laugh. Favorite leisure activities includes a body of water, a warm sun and some good reading (usually an astrology book or some deep metaphysical text).

I have a BA in Criminology and a MS in Counseling Psychology. I am licensed in Wisconsin as a Professional Counselor (LPC) and am certified in Pastoral Counseling and Holistic Psychotherapy. I am also a Reiki Master and on-going student of alternative and vibrational healing practices.

I would love to support you as you move along your journey of self-discovery. When you’re ready, schedule your free Exploration Session.